Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Charnal Ground Meditation

I saw the bodies exhibit:

Which was sponsored by

The following people were supposed to speak:
Roshi Enkyo OÂ’Hara will teach on the preciousness of this human existence
Bhante Kondanna will teach on the transience of life
Reverend T. K. Nakagaki will offer Pure Land chants and prayers

but since Bhante H. Gunaratana was there, Bhante Kondanna did not speak,and he was by far the most famous buddhist leader there.

It was good to see sangha and we had coffee afterwards. An illustrious Scottish female ordermemberr was in town, and another one from Aryaloka. Seth pointed out her name was mention on the free lecture by Dhammarati at I don't want to try and spell her name. Anyway she is lovely and it was so good to get together with everyone.

Human flesh looks like chicken. I've always been an intellectual vegetarian, I never reacted viscerally to dead animals, etc. But for the first time, I felt that human flesh was like chicken, and that while I've stopped eating meat, I really am less likely to take it up after this exhibit.

I really liked The Meatrix but you can go on and on about the argument. Until I felt it is wrong, I did not stay a vegetarian for long.

May all be happy, may all be well.

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