Sunday, August 25, 2019

Children's book on metta

I'm going to be using this book to introduce the idea of metta to my daughter. It's a lovely illustration and exploration of the idea of metta.

I thought it was going to be about spreading metta to animals so you don't eat them, but the pig is a play toy, and while animated in dreams, isn't a real pig. You can connect that dot for yourself, but it's more of a kind of accident or tangential theme. The book is more about introducing the idea of metta. The book is about is the idea of spreading metta, the idea of spreading love and affection to yourself, those you love, to strangers and to those whom you are in dishord with.

The image of metta bombs coming from a plane isn't new to me. I like the reversal of the planes that rain destruction.

My daughter won't let me read it to her this morning but she's oddly possessive about the book.

Update: My wife read the book to her and she loved it. She insisted on reading it again. They felt their breath with their belly. My wife thinks it's adorable. Wonderful.

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