Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Honesty and the deeper truths

(Northern Thailand)

In Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist (season 1 episode 4, though all of them) the undercurrent in feelings versus the public face we put on because being a mopey self pitying person isn't acceptable.

I've been attending Zoom 24/7 AA meetings and a guy was talking about being honest (what he's thinking) versus being truthful (speaking the deeper truth you're avoiding).

This isn't the forum for me disclosing my deeper truth, but in a way, that is what I want to point to in this blog.

The Buddha pointed to a deeper truth he discovered, and it really takes an intention to move towards the goals.

May you all be happy, may you all be well.

Bonus: The Autobiography & Maxims of Chan Master Han Shan (1546-1623)

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