Sunday, April 24, 2022

Chapter 10

The middle period, chapter 10, has rapid fire stories in The Life of the Buddha. I can't help but think of that number Love Thy Neighbor from Prom, when you get to the monk who is abandoned, because he is of no use to his fellow monks when he's sick. 

There is the ancient epistemology tract in the Kalama Sutta.

"It is hard to know a man by his appearance

Nor can you judge him at a passing glance."

That's the upshot from the section where a leper becomes a stream entrant.

There is the bit where the Buddha doesn't want his teachings put into the formal religious language of the times. 

There is the bit about tuning the lute strings just right.

So many teachings.

I just downloaded the version of this book by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu & Khematto Bhikkhu.

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