Friday, January 03, 2025

Favorite books 2024

Not published in 2024, because I didn't get to any of those. Closest I got was 2015, I started trying to read Right Concentration by Leigh Brasington recently. Can't say if it's good or bad yet, still grinding. 

Four books were free:

Empty Cloud by Xu yun. This is an amazing biography set in China.

Mindfulness with breathing by Buddhadasa. This is a guide to anapanasati by a Theravada monk who doesn't believe in reincarnation. Had to really delve into anapanasati to appreciate this book. No two teachers teach it the same, but it's fascinating to read all the different versions. 

Venerable Ācariya Mun Bhūridatta Thera: A Spiritual Biography by Ajahn Maha Bua. This is an amazing biography of a man who maybe gained enlightenment while on a train. I turn this book on when I can't fall asleep sometimes. You can listen to this one and the next one here.

Mae Chee Kaew was a Thai woman who finally was released from marriage by her husband and could go to a monastery. 

I really like the travel books of Bill Porter, but I think these two stand out for people interested in Buddhism in China:

The Silk Road by Bill Porter

Zen Baggage by Bill Porter

I found his books so fun to read, and to research some of the place he went. He's got a lot of other travel books, about south China, and other places, and I'm reading his one along the Yangtze river at the moment. 

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