Sunday, September 08, 2024


They derisively called her the mango woman, the courtesan who wanted to see the Buddha. She locked wheels with other vehicles trying to get to the Buddha. They offered her all the money in the world not to go, but she wanted to see the Buddha. He agreed to eat with her, and she served him and the sangha a meal. She was inspired to become a nun.

DN 16

Hindustan Times

The Verses of Ambapali: Read the poem from the Therigatha attributed to Ambapali. The Therigatha is perhaps the first book of women's spirituality on earth, that comes down to us, and is quite riveting, and sparkles with spiritual intensity. I once read it on retreat, and was really wowed by it. She has the refrain, "The truth of the Truth-speaker's words doesn't change."

Sujato translation

Ayya Soma


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