Thursday, September 19, 2024

Biographies of the Buddha that I have read

First off there's Karen Armstrong's. She's a great BBC religion presenter, and wrote a memoir about her spiritual journey as a Christian nun, a few books actually, rewrote one of them. She's not a Buddhist but her sister is one ... She has some spiritual insight and is a good presenter, so it's a basic good job by someone who isn't a Buddhist but is symptathetic. 

Next I read a book by H.W. Schumann, an English translation of Der historische Buddha: Leben und Lehre des Gotama (2004).

Then I read Gautama Buddha: The Life and Times of the Awakened One by Vishvapani Blomfield. It's good.

There is a Tibetan version by Tenzin Chogyel The Life of the Buddha from the 18th century.

Then there's Nanamoli The Life of the Buddha: According to the Pali Canon. This is excellent, and it's the kind of book I never stop reading.

There's also Noble Warrior, another version from the Pali Canon by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu and Khematto Bhikkhu. I'm only 21% done with this one. 

I'm not done with this one, but I'm looking to find more, if you know of any, please comment.

Lalitavistara Sūtra is surely on my to read list (8400 translation). Hey they have an app, so I don't have to download.

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