Monday, September 28, 2020

The Bodhisattva Johnny Appleseed


John Chapman wandered America planting apple seeds. He wore rags and was not interested in show. He never married because he felt people were untrue. 

I've been thinking that as Buddhism moves into America, we need to convert the local heroes into Bodhisattvas for the cause. 

Archetypal knowledge is contradictory, personalities are not logical. One of the reasons Chapman planted seeds is because hard apple cider was seriously consumed in America. There is a Dionysian element to this ascetic. The ecstatic joy of the spiritual life.

I would love an artist to draw the following bodhisattvas: Johnny Appleseed, Paul Bunyan, Black Hawk, Geronimo, Paul Revere "The Dharma is coming, the Dharma is coming!", Casey Jones who kept the brakes on and died but saved others, in baseball cooperation, teamwork and skill, Tinker to Evers to Chance. Pancho Villa, Our Lady of Guadalupe or Joaquin Murrieta. Spiderman.

Johnny Appleseed was so land wealthy that he didn't even record some of the land he supposedly owned, and left it all to his sister. 

And when he realized mosquitos were flying into a fire he built for warmth, he put it out, thinking his discomfort wasn't important enough to snuff out the lives of mosquitos.

Check out this video about Johnny Appleseed.

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