Sunday, December 27, 2020

Grogu and refuge tree

This is the opening of Barak Obama's presidential memoir, which I'm reading right now.

I know "the force" isn't exactly Buddhism, it's more like the Zen influenced Samurai, but I like Grogu, even if he eats frog eggs and frogs. My daughter got one for Buddhamas and I put it on my shrine because she didn't watch Mandalorian and I have. It's kind of funny to me, but also expresses that when Star Wars came out in 1977 and I was 10 years old, I really liked it, and the hero's journey is important to me. I know all the stuff since Empire Strikes Back has been watered down milking of a franchise, but I still enjoy Star Wars stuff.

The refuge tree is more important to me, size wise. My preceptor gave me the refuge tree. I appreciate our time together even if we are estranged at the moment. 

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