Monday, January 03, 2022

failed at digital asceticism

I failed at digital asceticism. I deactivated facebook, and then I needed it to sign in to play chess online, and that's been on of the wonderful discoveries of the pandemic for me. A few later I reactivated Twitter. I didn't get very far. I tried doing the 24 no online stuff for a while (Friday sunset to Saturday sunset). I read a lot more. I find it really frustrating not to be able to look things up. I like not having to remember what I want to look up. I like the instant gratification of information.

Like my efforts to quit alcohol and marijuana, there are many thoughts that support the addiction. It's a complicated psychological phenomena. I do like watching the mind in various situations. 

In AA alcoholics are self diagnosed. Digital addiction, information addiction, and whatnot will block other functioning, the regular functioning. What is my digital addiction inhibiting? I don't know yet. I'm going to look for it though.


Your attention didn’t collapse. It was stolen

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