Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Thanksgiving USA

"The word tradition stems from the Latin word traditio, which translates to “delivery, surrender, a handing down, a giving up.” Maybe it’s time to realize that surrendering, or letting go, is very much a part of tradition." — Lauren Krauze

Thanksgiving is upon us, and it's a tradition of gathering for a feast. I start Thanksgiving on Tuesday and run through Sunday.

I can't not think about the genocide settlers visited upon the native americans, the various tribes indigenous to the land. That happened, there's genocides going on right now, it's a way humans think to somehow simplify life, and yet it makes it so complicated. We're all just confused simplifiers. What a horrible thing to have your tribe winnowed down and eliminated. I never had a tribe, but I have family and packs of categories I sometimes feel affinity for. I used to think I ran in the tribe of Buddhists, but getting to know them more, not sure it's a unified tribe. I have a local sangha, and they're of mixed quality, all very great people, but my relationships with them are mixed.

It's hard to be proud of who you are, it seems for humans, and not try to force people to be your way. Just enjoy, why proselytize? Why other people?

It's just relationships now for me, at this stage in my life. Everyone has gone away except a few dogged people who hang around. My daughter is very intense, but my sons have disappeared into adulthood. I said school, work and girlfriends and someone emphasized girlfriends. I've been alone for several years now for the first time since I was 16 and could drive. I can see now why bell hooks just focused on friendships.

We don't have rainy season retreats in North America, but for me winter time is a good time to intensify. I mean any time is a good time to intensify, but I'm trying to petal to the metal more mindfully these days, I can skid off the road quite easily. 

I'm oddly grateful to people who are gone, family and friends. I'm grateful for relationships that are dead now, even if the other person isn't dead, we shared a time together, but now not so much. There's so much clinging to relationships, pushing myself to let go if I have to. I'm afraid I'm like the settlers, it's not that healthy to be kind to me, but so many people are kind to me. 

I like my spartan batchelor existence, with minding duties for my daughter. She's really the center of my universe, she's my guru. So kind, thoughtful, soulfull, artistic, expressive, joyful, young and confused. So I'm thankful to be able to be her father. Happy Thanksgiving to you and what you're thankful for. 

She’s a little older now.

She meets her classmate Lucas on the walk to school, and they just run. The running is the play. They run till they have to catch their breath. It's delightful. 

HCR explains Thanksgiving 

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