Friday, August 23, 2024

A confession from the Sutra of the Golden Light

I confess today, single-mindedly, all of

The extremely heavy bad actions,

The sins that I have committed in the past.

I have constantly committed bad actions

By not believing in the buddhas,

Not revering gurus and kalyāṇamitras,

And I have not performed many good actions.

I have constantly committed bad actions

By being proud of my high status,

Of my family, and of my possessions,

And by being conceited about my youth.

I have constantly committed bad actions

Through constantly having wrong thoughts,

Giving voice to bad words,

And not seeing these as sinful

I have constantly committed bad actions

By constantly having a foolish mentality,

My mind obscured by the darkness of ignorance,

And by following wicked companions.

I have committed bad actions because of

My delighting in amusements,

Because of being in a state of misery,

Or being in the bondage of desire and hate.

I have committed bad actions because

I have relied upon friends who were not virtuous,

Because of being motivated by envy and greed,

And because of poverty and deception.

Though I did not aspire to commit many bad actions,

I have committed such actions

Through fear and terror,

Or because I was under the power of others.

I have committed bad actions because,

Though I did not aspire to many bad actions,

I did so through fear and terror

Or because I was under the power of others.

I have committed bad actions because

My thoughts were completely distracted,

Because I was angry or held a grievance,

And because I was tormented by hunger and thirst.

I have committed bad actions because of

Being burned by the fire of the kleśas

In craving for food and drink,

And for clothes and for women.

All the many bad actions I have done,

Such as not having veneration in my mind

For the Buddha, Dharma, and Saṅgha,

Today I individually confess them all.

“ ‘All the many bad actions I have done,

Such as not having veneration in my mind

For the pratyekabuddhas and bodhisattvas,

Today I individually confess them all.

“ ‘All the many bad actions I have done,

Such as ignorant criticism of the Dharma

And having no respect for my parents,

Today I individually confess them all.

All the many bad actions I have done,

Through the power of ignorance,

Of pride, of desire, and of anger,

Today I individually confess them all.

May the countless buddhas in the realms

Of the ten directions, to whom I make offerings,

Become guides for all beings

And free them from suffering and obstacles.

May every single being

Abide in the ten bhūmis.

Having perfected merit and wisdom,

May they guide beings as buddhas.

(adapted from source 84000)

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