Sunday, August 04, 2024

Dunhuang Caves link

Found an interesting link to the Dunhuang Caves: Link is to Getty. Wikipedia calls them Mogao Caves, I think Dunhuang is a subset.

I have discussed the theft of early archaeologists (One, two).

I'm reading and looking at Spatial Dunhuang (2023) by Wu Hung.

Never heard of Hong Bian.

In this day and age, with the Rubin going online, leaving it's physical space in October, and with the artifacts being spread all over the world, it's not quite as horrible with things being online. Not everything is online, but you can see quite a lot online. I'm not sure how sustainable putting everything online is.

Prince Mahasattva jataka tale mural. Mogao Cave 428. Northern Zhou, 557-581 CE (source)


Dunhuang Foundation

A game where you enter the caves. This link explains the game, which has only Chinese text.

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