Monday, July 13, 2020


I'm not sure when I'm going to get that children don't get sarcasm. I guess it's in my nature. A nasty adult habit. My daughter grew a half inch, and we were amazed she's growing. We joked about putting her in a cage so she doesn't shoot up too quickly. She got very worried, and said, "I don't want to be put in a cage." I suddenly flashed to the children of immigrants who are currently caged. It's really quite horrible. 

There's a republican critic in my head. Yes, if Obama did it, in the past which we cannot change while we're in talking about moving forward now, then that was bad too. Nobody said Obama was perfect. I don't experience republicans as honest debaters most of the time, and I have to translate them into more honest debates. You can't use my compassion against me. Pence saying the Covid tests were invasive, well, trying to control women's wombs is pretty invasive too. 

I get it that we can't cure the whole world's suffering and we have limited resources. I get it that overtaxing depresses capitalism and job growth. I get it that 47% don't want to expand the federal government, want less government. I get it that government can't solve every problem. I just want a government that can be compassionate and reflects that important value. Seems like we don't need to punish children. I get it they want it to be pretty scary to break the law and flee a country for better circumstances. But making profit off of the situation is equally heinous, and the government should run this stuff, because the profit motive is cruel as well. 

That republicans will hold their nose and support Trump is beyond me, but they can never comment about contradictions and hypocrisy. I call it the dada chacha of a death cult. Throw a liberal values argument at a liberal to confound them. The worst of all those is when people say plants have feelings too. If you really believed that you wouldn't eat meat, because less plants are used with a vegan diet. But no, they don't care about how plants feel, they are using your own sensibilities against you, and they don't even imagine their contradictions, they only hope to trap you. Dada chacha of a death cult. The only thing I can say about the republicans is that they won. They were willing to do what was needed to be elected. I'm sure it's going to backfire, but not enough in my opinion.

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