Friday, July 24, 2020


Lughnasadh is a Gaelic festival marking the beginning of the harvest season. Lammas is the English Christianized version of it. As a neopagan, who loves nature, I've been researching the upcoming holiday, which is August 1st, a week from today. Luckily we're going camping because being outdoors is crucial to celebrating Lughnasadh.

The one thing that I read that makes sense is the idea of climbing a mountain. I will make this time by climbing a mountain. The book about it is $400. Why do I covet books that are rare and cost so much used. There is stuff about Olympic type tournaments, and trial marriages.

John Barleycorn is mentioned because the English song is about the barley harvest. Here is an essay on the song. I'll just listen to the Steeleye Span version. I'm striving for sobriety, so perhaps that isn't to be the emphasis.

Celebrating the seasons and the natural rhythms of our ancestors is what my neopaganism is about. In my modern alienation, I seek not the pains of more simple times, but the virtues.


Magickal Winds "All About Lughnasadh"

A FB post by Monumental Ireland

Omnia Song

The Gypsy Thread

How to set up an Lughnasadh altar

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