Friday, July 10, 2020

Proposal for the Washington Redskins

The Washington Redskins are the most egregious mascotting of the Native Americans. Red? At least the Cleveland Indians are just Indians, a mistake of geography. The Chicago BlackHawks at least pick a tribe name, like others.

I live near Saint John's college. They changed their name to the Red Storm quite a while ago. Not that inspiring but who needs a mascot for inspiration.

The Washington NFL team has announced they're going to change their mascot. Turns out hosting a bunch of tribal leaders in the owners box wasn't enough to cleanse the stain of the name. They announced they were going to keep the same color scheme.

So my suggestion is the Washington Amitabhas. Love! Maybe not the warrior mascot you were hoping for but quite a inspiring ideal. Love warriors with blunt head trauma.

What's your favorite mascot?

Knickerbockers are pretty lame. Capri pants or culottes? Metropolitains are lively sophisticates like myself I suppose. NYCFC doesn't have a mascot to my knowledge. City is my nickname for the team, and NYC is THE CITY in the USA, though often people think it's Sodom and Gomorrah. Rangers are cool, but aren't they from Texas? They were founded by a guy who grew up in Texas, so ....  I know they are an original 6. First USA team to win the cup. Jets are pretty cool things. Sky Blue has to be a bit ethereal. Who doesn't like blue skies. A metaphor for hassle free times.

If Washington became the Amitabha inspired team, I would have to change my allegiance.

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