Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Covid update

The whole house has it, the baby is just sneezing, maybe she doesn't have it. Partner was throwing up all last night.

My throat just keeps getting more soarer and soarer. I took a steamy shower and that helped. Tylenol. 

Lots of different advice. My aunt told me to get up and walk around every 2 hours. 

I got an oximeter from a relative. Dr. said goto hospital if it stays around 92.

I have high blood pressure, and I haven't gone in to get a new prescription. One thing or another comes up. My doctor doesn't return my pages. 

But My Chart from NYC has a talk to a doctor online feature, so I got a doctor online without waiting too much. So my son is going to get my meds, get some supplies and deliver them. 

Lots of family and friends reaching out, I feel loved. I wish everyone well. 

1 comment:

Sumeru said...

Ksitigarbha is walking with you.