Friday, March 12, 2021

3 Lakshana Reddit

Slowly slowly I'm figuring out social media. I like Reddit because you can write your opinion and if it's not useful, nobody upvotes it and it sinks to the bottom. You can see a million beautiful photographs. But everything I do has a tinge of impermanence, non-self and unsatisfactoriness.

Lost Architecture: Old photos of building that no longer exist.

Relationships change, are unsatisfactory, and are confounded by self view.

Over 40

F*** I'm Old

Buddhism: You can learn a lot about the culture of Buddhism in the various sects.

You can learn about engaged buddhism, and all the various sects.

You can practice your compliments at Toast Me, reward people for reaching out, practice right speech and positivity.

If you're seeking another route to access Recovery Dharma from substance abuse, you want to avoid the Christianity presumption that leaks out of AA meetings, not just saying, "higher power". 

To be sure you could create a really distracting feed, it's taken me time to weed out the negativity and unproductive. Go meditate instead. And "karma whoring" was tempting and perhaps subtly tempting still to me. 

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