Friday, November 26, 2021

Om Ah Guru Hasa Vajra Hung

In the summer of 2002 I took a meditation class, and I continued with that class for quite a long time. I ended up going on a retreat over Xmas and New Years on the Brahma Viharas and it blew my mind. It was so wonderful. I'm so grateful that happened to me. This summer (we're entering winter now that the leaves have mostly fallen off the trees around where I live) will be 20 years of meditation, Dharma study, sangha. 

I'm not as interesting in gobbling up the history of Buddhism or straight up gangster Dharma. I read Milarepa today and it was quite pleasurable. I quite like him. He did some bad things, and then turned his life around and really cranked on meditation.

I searched my blog and found this quote:

"The Ultimate Practice is not to consider

Distractions and drowsiness as faults.

Doing so to stave them off is like

kindling a lamp in bright daylight."

And this one:

"I attain all my knowledge through studying my mind within, thus all my thoughts become the teachings of Dharma. So long as I do not become separated from my own mind, I am always accompanied by sutras. I have realized that all manifestations are Mind, and the mind itself is the illumination. These are my Gurus."

Somehow I feel to reading Milarepa and am getting inspiration from him today. I'm listening to his mantra today.

His last teaching was to pull up his robe and expose his callused butt, essentially saying, meditate a lot. 

I'd like to go to one of his caves (NyalamGandaki) or see his tower.

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