Saturday, March 12, 2022

Interesting post on rebirth

"The world is full of traps. Things that want to stick to you. You can identify them as something that makes you feel good for attaining. Knowledge is one.

knowledge is additive. You collect it and add it to “you.” In buddhism teaches you to build a chisel, a tool to help you carve things away. Koans are knowledge used to make you realize you can never know for example.

You will never understand rebirth. And if you do, you are very likely wrong. So why bother? No one here knows. We can quote you things from subjectively wise people, but again, it’s all additive. I assume you know this but havent incorporated it fully. Either take the idea of rebirth to such an extreme that you get frustrated and realize conscious overthinking is useless (Take it “into your heart”) or just plain let it go."


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