Wednesday, March 02, 2022

Parasite (2019)

I really liked the 2019 Foreign Film Oscar winning movie, despite it's gruesomeness. 

There's one scene that reminded me of Zen Flesh, Zen Bones. There's a story in there. A person is chased by a lion, falls off a cliff. Catches a vine. Elephants down below roaring at the person. Ants crawling, gnawing away at the vine. A bee hive is jostled, and a bit of honey drips into the mouth. 

That is what life is like. Soon to be dead, in great danger, and we focus on a bit of honey. Pleasure is very important to humans and perhaps our downfall. And yet asceticism works, never mind few Americans try it. I mean Americans as north Americans, Mexico and Canada joined in with the USA.

There's this one scene in Parasite. The toilet is squirty shit water as the sewers are backed up, and the sister just climbs a little higher, shuts the toilet seat, and enjoys her cigarette as the shit water squirts out.

Cigarettes aren't pleasurable, but the release from the nicotine withdrawal, is close to pleasure. The release from pain is very close to pleasure and good enough for most humans. It must be wonderful to have that as an option of release of pain. And to join the cool people who smoke. I used to go out on smoking breaks but not smoke. It's a glorious social time. But I hate smoke, I was a runner, and love my lungs too much.

The new moon of February is the New Year day for Tibet. Happy Tibetan New Year!

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