Monday, July 01, 2024


Today is the 183rd day of the year, and in Thubten Chodron's daily Awaken Every Day (2019), this is the following quote:

“One way to express compassion is to be as clear as possible in our communication. Sometimes this is difficult because we aren’t clear ourselves about what we think or want to express, even though we think we may be. Only later do we realize our own confusion.
When we aren’t clear in our own minds, it’s best to say that directly and tell the other person and let them know we need more time to clarify our ideas.
When I’m tangled up, I’ve found it helpful to stop, let go of all the thoughts and ideas, and simply ask myself, What am I trying to say? That helps me get to the heart of the matter, the one sentence that is the essence of what I want to communicate.”

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