Monday, July 01, 2024

People who think the USA should be a Christian nation



27% average, yikes, one in four. Personally I think the refugees from Europe who came here and wanted religious freedom, are like people who were bullied, and then they turn into the bully, as an evolution from overcoming being bullied, instead of reflecting and saying, "I don't want what was done to me, done to others," they think, "I'm going to just gain power and do what others did to me."

There's a block there in the bible belt, but I'm surprised NC, SC and GA don't have the dark, or Texas and OK. Places where poverty is worst are where they put up the ten commandments in school, like that's going to do something. The politicians who say, "it can't hurt," are cynical and playing to their base. It's the nonsense of American politics and the banality of evil. 

I'm proud to be from a state that is white. I see religious freedom, freedom from religion and the separation of church and state as quite important for the USA. 

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