Sunday, July 10, 2022

Mating Mind

Living single for the first time in 40 years, I've become aware of what I guess I'll call the mating mind. I have a book about the mating mind, and in it I learned that the human brain is the peacock feathers of humans, unnecessary ornament. We don't need the minds we have to survive really, it's overclocked. 

What to do with this mind? I think that is why the Dharma is so important. It's good to understand it and all, but the development, the literature, the ideas, the sharing of the tradition, the history is all something to put that peacock mind to. When you simplify life, what do you think about? 

I listen for metta, positive welling up, warm feelings about relationships. What is the equivalent in mindfulness of breathing? It's the rapture, the positivity in following the breath. It's as much about seeing what's blocking these things as it is feeling these things.

How light my body!
Touched by abundant
rapture & bliss,
—like a cotton tuft
borne on the breeze—
it seems to be floating
—my body!

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